Our Approach
We help you increase
your ‘Return on People’.
How We Think
With a ‘people-first’ mindset.
We believe that people are the heart of every organization and what makes an organization stand out among the rest is how they value the people working within it. We’ve found that by applying a ‘people-first’ mindset to the work we do, we create meaningful relationships with our clients where we work together with a shared understanding of the instinctive strengths that each person brings to the table so that we communicate clearly and collaborate effectively.
Our unique approach consists of the following:
identifying your organizational priorities, specific needs, and desired outcomes
providing both broad and specific HR expertise customized to your needs
building cohesive and customized frameworks centred around the individual, team, and organizational performance
measuring the impact of your investment in your people based on growth, productivity, engagement, and experience.
How We Measure
By calculating your ROP (Return on People).
The way we think is centred around people, so we wanted to create a measurement tool that measures results based on the output (or efforts) demonstrated by people in an organization. Think ROI, but with a people-centred spin.
Return on People (ROP) is a people-driven indicator that measures the gain or impact generated by investing in your people based on the four key areas of output — growth, productivity, engagement, and experience.
We use this practical approach to help you understand the broader impact (and link to organizational results) of investing in your people.
How We Lead
From a place of purpose.
Servant Leadership
Servant Leadership is a leadership model founded by Robert Greenleaf. It’s philosophy offers a different perspective from traditional authoritarian styles of leadership and instead focuses on sharing of power and control with those the leader is responsible for so that they can reach their full potential. Servant Leadership is for leaders who want to use their position of influence to help others and be of service for the greater good.
Some of the most well-known organizations such as Starbucks, Home Depot and WestJet have adopted a Servant Leadership model and have transformed their customer service experience, increased employee engagement, and saw greater return in profitability from this people-first leadership style.
Kolbe Index
The Kolbe Index is a hiring tool that evaluates job candidates based on their convative behavior. Convative behavior is the ‘doing’ part of your mind. The convative function of your mind drives your values, beliefs, and actions. When used for attracting and recruiting the right people for the job, it looks at the skills and abilities that the candidates has presented on their resume and then assesses how that person will actually perform on the job when they do the specific tasks required. The Kolbe Index is the most cost-effective method to determining who is the best fit not just for the job but also the organization as a whole.
Affective University
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